The Owl, The Desert, And The Shadow

Sep 18, 2023

In 1988 I ended up in drug rehab as a relapsed drug counselor.

It was one of the darkest periods of my life. But it was also the beginning of an experience that changed my life.

The day I discharged from treatment I hiked straight out into the desert on a 3-day spiritual quest.

And I almost died out there.

But it was through that experience that I gained a profound lesson about recovery—a lesson that is still a guiding force for my recovery today. 

In this week's Wednesday Woo! talk I'm going to pull back the curtain and tell the entire story about what happened out there in the desert. 

And it's a pretty fitting talk for our "Wednesday Woo!" series because there was definitely some "woo-woo" kind of stuff that happened out there! And I'm going to tell you all about it. 

I call this talk "The Owl, The Desert, and The Shadow." And you can hear it this Wednesday at: 1pm ET live on Youtube. Click on the link below to get notifications and you'll be good to go: 

Wednesday Woo! The Owl, The Desert, and The Shadow

I hope to see you on Wednesday for a fun discussion that ultimately leads to some pretty valuable insight into recovery from addiction!



Sobriety Doesn't Have To Suck!

A Guide To Finding Excitement, Renewal, And Spiritual Fulfillment In Recovery


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